When Peeing Poses a Problem: Urinary Tract Infection in Pets

urinary tract infections in petsAnyone who has suffered a urinary tract infection (UTI) knows it’s no picnic. The pain and frequent, urgent need to urinate can be downright miserable, and may lead to more serious problems if not addressed quickly. UTIs in pets are just as troublesome for our furry friends and are more common than pet owners may realize.

What Is a Urinary Tract Infection?

A urinary tract infection is an infection of one or more parts of the urinary tract, which consists of the kidneys, ureters (tubes that carry urine to the bladder), bladder, and urethra (tube that carries urine out of the body). The bladder is the most common part of the urinary tract to become infected.


When Is It Time for Pet Diapers?

A white dog wearing a pet diaper

Dealing with a dog or cat that can’t make it outdoors or to the litter box in time can be incredibly frustrating. Following your pet around, encouraging it to go in the appropriate spot, only to turn around and see a new puddle on the floor can leave even the most patient pet owner at wit’s end. 

There are many possible causes for incontinence in pets, ranging from an infection or disease to a simple lack of proper house training. Exploring the potential cause is part of good preventive care and should be pursued. In cases where the cause cannot be treated, pet diapers may be the solution.


When a Kiss Won’t Cut it: A Spotlight on Pet Pain Management

Pet pain management is key to your pet living a long lifeWhen it comes to pet pain management, veterinary medicine has made tremendous strides in the past century. It’s now common knowledge that pets feel pain in much the same way as humans and that chronic pain can impair the healing process by interfering with immune function, decreasing appetite, and increasing anxiety.

At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, improving the quality and longevity of our patients’ lives is one of our top priorities. Let’s take a moment to focus on a pet’s pain and the various ways we can help manage it.

Assessing Pet Pain

Identifying a pet’s pain is the first step towards treatment. Most animals will hide signs of pain and discomfort because this would convey weakness and vulnerability. Consequently, knowing when a pet is hurting is not always easy.

Interestingly, there are different types of pain and different types of causes. Since pain is a sensory response to a painful stimulus, there are often situations where the source of a pet’s pain is not obvious, as it would be if the pet had a visible wound or injury.    Continue…

Strategies for Successful Litter Box Training

litter box trainingAnyone who has ever observed a cat fastidiously grooming herself, or carefully covering waste in the litter box, knows that cats are, by nature, very clean animals. Most kittens learn how to use a litter box from their mother before they come to live with you, but if you adopt an orphaned kitten or older cat, you may have to show her the ropes. Our litter box training tips will get you started off on the right paw!
