The Ins and Outs of Canine Kennel Cough

A dog coughing.

Many dog owners have heard of kennel cough–especially those who board their dogs or take them to daycare facilities. Fewer, however, may know what kennel cough actually is. At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we’re here to help you understand kennel cough and to what extent it is a concern. 


Pet Separation Anxiety

A dog with separation anxiety.

Just as humans, our pets can experience separation anxiety. It affects dogs, cats, birds and other small pets. If not addressed, a pet’s anxiety can develop into chronic, lifelong behavioral problems. These problems negatively impact a pet’s ability to interact appropriately with people and other pets. They can also jeopardize the pet’s relationship with its human family and, ultimately, its own well-being.


The Danger of Leptospirosis in Dogs

A grey dog walks through some water, where it could be at risk for catching leptospirosis.

One of the most important responsibilities of dog ownership is providing the preventive care your dog needs to avoid illness and disease. Regular check ups, parasite prevention and keeping your dog current on vaccinations all play a key role in its health and well-being. 

Several years ago, we added the Leptospirosis vaccine to our core vaccine program for dogs because cases of this disease were being reported in Colorado. This was a concern, not only because of the risk it presents to dogs, but as a zoonotic disease, Leptospirosis can be transmitted to humans and dog to human transmissions had also occurred.  


Canine Oral Papilloma Virus: Knowing the Signs and Risks

A dog with a wart covers his face.

We often think of puppies as cuddly and adorable creatures, but that little wart-like bump you just noticed on your pup’s lip may not be so cute. While lumps and bumps on dogs are not unusual, when they occur in young and/or social dogs, canine oral papilloma virus, or COPV, is on the list of rule-outs for our team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center


Small Dogs Have Small Dog Needs

A black and white small dog.

An endearing characteristic of small dogs is that they often come with big dog attitudes. Convincing as their “big dog” behavior may be, our small dogs still have some unique small dog needs. 

At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we see a lot of small dogs at our facility and are happy to share some interesting observations on what makes them different from their larger canine counterparts, and how this affects their behavior and care. 


New Alternatives to the Dreaded “Cone of Shame”

A woman holds a cat in a cone of shame.

Most pet owners are familiar with the Elizabethan collar, or e-collar for short. Often referred to as the “cone of shame”, this collar has a much-maligned reputation, despite it serving an essential role in post-surgery recovery for dogs and cats. 

Designed to protect pets from licking or chewing at surgical wounds, bandages, sores or itchy spots, the e-collar has been a ‘go-to’ helper for many years and there are several versions that have become available over time.  


Pet-Safe Pest Control: Is It Possible?

A black cat rests in a grassy yard. Pet-safe-pest-control is very important for outdoor cats.

No one wants to share the yard, garden or house with uninvited guests. While insects and rodents may be fine from afar, the minute they cross our threshold or create problems in our yard, we humans usually decide to take charge. 

For some, the easiest approach to pest control involves the use of chemical treatments. Pet owners, on the other hand, have the added responsibility of using pet-safe pest control methods, both inside and outside of the home.


Help! My Cat Won’t Eat!

A cat sitting by its food bowl

Cat owners typically know when their cat is hungry. Constant meows, chirps, and the circling around your legs are often first clues. Yet, after all that fussing and the meal now in the bowl, it can be surprising and even frustrating when your cat decides not to eat it.

What’s going on when your cat won’t eat? There are several possibilities and they deserve an owner’s attention and action.


Like a Leaf: Reasons for a Shaking Dog

A nervous dog wrapped in a blanket

If only dogs could talk. All of us at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center would have so many questions for them! 

Despite the language barrier, dogs still do communicate with us. By watching their body language and facial expressions, it is possible for us to see that our canine companions actually are saying something. When you observe a new behavior, pay attention, as it is just another way your pet could be telling you something you need to know. A shaking dog is a great example of this.


Don’t Get Burned: The Facts On Pets and Sunscreen

Don’t Get Burned: The Facts On Pets and Sunscreen

Like humans, pets can get sunburned. Having fur doesn’t make them completely safe. While their fur offers some protection, there are still good reasons to provide additional sunscreen and sun protection.

At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we’re happy to explain the ins and outs of pets and sun protection. And and tips on keeping your pet protected and comfortable while summer days in the sun.
