Going to See the Vet? Calming Tips for Fearful Cats

Scared cat.

If you are a cat owner, you’ve probably experienced the challenge of getting your feline companion into a carrier for a ride in the car. Not to mention, a visit to see the veterinarian! So, when the time comes for that annual exam or other check-up, it can be tempting to put it off or just forget it altogether. If this describes life with your cat, you are not alone.


Kitten Care Basics: What Every Cat Owner Needs to Know 

A pair of kittens in a basket

So you’ve taken the plunge and adopted a new kitten – congratulations! Get ready to be entertained, delighted, and perhaps a little frustrated… at times. Most of all, if you haven’t already, be prepared to fall head over heels for your adorable new friend!

These early days and weeks with your new little furball are fleeting and at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we want to help you get a great start by sharing some of our favorite kitten care tips. After all, making sure your kitten is a happy, healthy, and a well-adjusted member of your family is a top priority!


5 Things Your Cat Hates (and Wishes You’d Change!)

A grumpy-looking cat on the floor

Cat owners know the unique joys and challenges of life with cats. You want the best for your cat, but sometimes figuring out what these notoriously fickle creatures want and need can feel like  dancing on the tip of a pin!

Still, we adore cats at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center and we’ve seen a thing or two over the many years we’ve been taking care of our clients’ cats. We’ve come up with the top 5 things cats hate and what you, as a loving owner, can do about it!
