The Ins and Outs of a Sedated Grooming

Sedated dog getting a bath.

Most pets that our groomers see don’t mind being professionally groomed and sail right through their bath, brushing and haircut with flying colors. Some pets, however, aren’t so willing and the process of being bathed, having their body brushed or even touched by a groomer will trigger aggressive behavior that could harm themselves or the groomer, making the grooming impossible to attempt safely.  

While aggressive reactive behaviors are usually due to fear, anxiety, or both, and certainly understandable, they present a problem when a pet needs a grooming service that cannot be done at home by the owner. In these situations, and because we are a medical facility, we are able to assist the groomer by fully sedating the pet so the grooming service can be done safely. 


Going to See the Vet? Calming Tips for Fearful Cats

Scared cat.

If you are a cat owner, you’ve probably experienced the challenge of getting your feline companion into a carrier for a ride in the car. Not to mention, a visit to see the veterinarian! So, when the time comes for that annual exam or other check-up, it can be tempting to put it off or just forget it altogether. If this describes life with your cat, you are not alone.


Going to See the Vet? Calming Tips for Fearful Dogs

A nervous dog.

Our dogs deal with a variety of experiences in their everyday lives. Some of them are pleasing and create a positive response, such as playtime and mealtime. Others are disturbing and create an alert response, such as loud noises or another dog barking. And then, there are those that are confusing, anxiety-inducing or threatening, such as being approached by strangers or going to a public place that has a multitude of unfamiliar sights, sounds, and smells.  


Pet Separation Anxiety

A dog with separation anxiety.

Just as humans, our pets can experience separation anxiety. It affects dogs, cats, birds and other small pets. If not addressed, a pet’s anxiety can develop into chronic, lifelong behavioral problems. These problems negatively impact a pet’s ability to interact appropriately with people and other pets. They can also jeopardize the pet’s relationship with its human family and, ultimately, its own well-being.


Working From Home? A New Look At Your Pet’s Behavior

Working from home with a cat.

For many pet owners, working from home has become more commonplace. While this new dynamic may present many challenges for human families, there’s one family member that probably likes it—your pet, of course! 

It’s no mystery that pet ownership sometimes has its challenges, but being around our pets 24 hours a day, every day, may provide new perspective on this relationship. Not only is there the unique companionship that a pet adds to the workday, you might be gaining new insight into your pet’s behavior and needs. You may also discover that you now have to strike a balance between showing your pet attention and getting your work done. 


Green In The Face: Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

A dog eats grass.

Dogs have a host of quirky behaviors, especially when it comes to eating odd things, and grass is definitely one of them. If your dog has a tendency to nibble on your lawn when outdoors, you probably want to know ‘why’ and if this habit is harmful. The team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center is happy to help you better understand why some dogs like to consume the green stuff.


Dog Barks Decoded: The Meaning of the Sounds Dogs Make

A small white dog is barking. What is the meaning of the sound she's making?

Dogs are members of the canidae family, which also includes wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackals and hyenas. Just as their wild counterparts, dogs communicate with other animals and with us through the sounds they make. 

Most dogs have a variety of vocalizations that are associated with what they want and how they are feeling – from happy to fearful, content or excited, annoyed or agitated.

The meaning of a dog’s sounds are varied and sometimes curious. The team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center is here to decipher some of these barks, growls, mumbles, and yips into a discernible dictionary for us humans.


Like a Leaf: Reasons for a Shaking Dog

A nervous dog wrapped in a blanket

If only dogs could talk. All of us at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center would have so many questions for them! 

Despite the language barrier, dogs still do communicate with us. By watching their body language and facial expressions, it is possible for us to see that our canine companions actually are saying something. When you observe a new behavior, pay attention, as it is just another way your pet could be telling you something you need to know. A shaking dog is a great example of this.


The Do’s and Don’ts of Dog House Training

An excited puppy with their human

Bringing home a new puppy is one of life’s great joys, but the prospect of potty training your newest family member can be daunting. Even adult dogs can experience some setbacks when it comes to proper elimination, whether they are recently adopted or you’ve raised them from puppyhood. 

At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we’ve seen a lot when it comes to the challenges of house training our dogs. So, with the help of our on-staff professional dog trainer, we’ve put together a few tried and true tips to help you navigate a smooth and stress-free transition with your special companion.


Does Your Dog Have What it Takes to Be a Therapy Dog?

A sheepdog reading a book with a child

Do people routinely tell you how wonderful your dog is? If you are used to hearing “You have the best dog in the world!”, and you’re interested in sharing your dog with others who may benefit from your dog’s sweetness, perhaps you should consider therapy dog training! After all, what better way to spread the happiness and comfort that your dog brings than taking your sweet pup into a hospital or to a senior center where there are people who would appreciate a visit from a special four-legged companion?

Anyone who owns a dog knows how much this special bond adds to their quality of life, and there’s science to back it up. Recently, therapy dogs have been recognized by the scientific community for the health and healing benefits that they offer. Studies show that simply petting a dog stimulates the release of “feel good” neurochemicals, and contributes to lowered blood pressure, less depression, and an overall reduction in stress. There are numerous ways that therapy dogs can provide support, companionship, hope, and other health benefits to help people heal from both physical and psychological ailments. 
