Oh Sugar, Sugar: Diabetes in Pets

Pug dogDiabetes is one of the leading causes of death among people in the United States, and our pets aren’t far behind in falling victim to this disease. Studies show that diabetes now affects a whopping 1 in 50 dogs and cats, and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.

Because diabetes in pets is more common than most people realize, combating this disease requires education and diligence on the part of responsible pet owners. Continue…

Seizures in Pets: What You Need to Know 

A chocolate lab looking at the camera

If you’ve ever witnessed a seizure in a pet, you know how scary it can be. Panic may set in as you wonder what is wrong with your furry companion and what you should or shouldn’t be doing.

Seizures in pets are one of the most commonly diagnosed neurological disorders, but that doesn’t make it any less frightening. Getting to the bottom of why your pet has had a seizure is the key to treating and preventing future episodes.

What is a Seizure?

Seizures are caused by abnormal bursts of electricity in the brain function, which causes involuntary muscle activity.


Help! Why Does My Dog Have Stinky Fur? 

A black and white pup eating from its bowl

Do you have an adorable, furry, four-legged stinker on your hands? While some level of ‘doggy smell’ is to be expected from our canine companions, truly stinky fur may be cause for concern.

Our team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center doesn’t shy away from malodorous topics and can help you get to the bottom of your pup’s smelly situation!

Common Causes of Stinky Fur

Regular bathing and brushing will go a long way toward cutting down on normal doggy odors. Check with your veterinarian to see how often your dog should be bathed (we carry hypoallergenic pet shampoos for home bathing in our lobby retail store).


When Is It Time for Pet Diapers?

A white dog wearing a pet diaper

Dealing with a dog or cat that can’t make it outdoors or to the litter box in time can be incredibly frustrating. Following your pet around, encouraging it to go in the appropriate spot, only to turn around and see a new puddle on the floor can leave even the most patient pet owner at wit’s end. 

There are many possible causes for incontinence in pets, ranging from an infection or disease to a simple lack of proper house training. Exploring the potential cause is part of good preventive care and should be pursued. In cases where the cause cannot be treated, pet diapers may be the solution.


When Good Table Scraps Go Bad: Holiday Pet Safety 101

Holiday pet safety considerations should be made for holiday meals and decor

Turkey dripping with gravy, a mound of snow-white mashed potatoes, a scoop of vanilla ice cream on a thick slice of homemade pumpkin pie…is your mouth watering yet? If it is, you certainly aren’t alone – just imagine how tempting these scrumptious holiday foods must be to your pet!

While it can be hard to resist those puppy dog (or kitty cat) eyes, giving in to temptation can result in some pretty nasty consequences. This holiday season, set your pet up for gastrointestinal health and success with these holiday pet safety tips.


New Year, New Pet Wellness Resolutions!

A pup looking up at their human as they walkIt’s hard to believe another year has come and gone, but here we are in 2018! Facing a brand new year is both exciting and daunting, offering us the possibility of starting over in many areas of our lives, such as health and wellness and work habits.

Along with upgrading our personal lifestyles, pet wellness can and should be on the forefront of our New Year’s resolutions. Our list of ideas are designed to be simple and effective ways to give your pet a healthy boost in 2018!


Fit Felines and Muscular Mutts: Making Pet Exercise Fun

pet exerciseMost of us already know how important physical exercise can be for our pets. Daily exercise not only burns calories and keeps our furry friends lean, it also helps to boost the immune system, which protects against diseases like diabetes and cancer. Daily play adds elements of fun and excitement to each day, a necessary component for the well-rounded life of our pets.

Even the most committed pet owners and active pets can easily find themselves bored with the daily walk or game of laser chase. Our creative pet exercise ideas are designed to provide you with a template for incorporating fun, simple, and regular exercise into your pet’s life.


Low-Fat Life: Avoiding Pancreatitis in Pets

A dog and cat eating at the table‘Tis the season for holiday foods, and with tables full of seasonal delights this time of year, it’s easy to overindulge. For most people, a few extra helpings of mashed potatoes and gravy or Grandma’s pumpkin pie probably won’t have any repercussions beyond a little indigestion and maybe a tighter waistband. For our pets, however, indulging in holiday foods can have more significant consequences.

Pancreatitis in pets is a serious condition that can result from ingesting even small amounts of very rich or fatty foods. Learning how to spot the symptoms of pancreatitis and better yet, how to prevent it, is important for every pet owner to know.


The Battle Of the Bulge: Obesity In Pets

British shorthair silver cat lying, looking left up. Whole bodyThe obesity epidemic is no longer just a human problem – obesity in pets is also on the rise. Currently, over half of all pet dogs and cats are considered overweight, and it has become one of the most common conditions our veterinarians see.

Overweight pets face many of the same serious health risks as overweight humans, including heart disease, high blood pressure, joint pain, osteoarthritis, diabetes, and certain cancers. And, as in humans, many of these problems can be helped and managed without medications, by losing the extra pounds and adding some physical activity. Continue…

Baby It’s Cold Outside: Winter Pet Safety

Playing with the snowWinter isn’t here just yet, but many of us have already begun thinking about our cold weather preparations. You may have started digging out your coats and sweaters, beginning the process of winterizing your home, yard, and car, and perhaps even entering the planning stages for holiday and winter celebrations and get-togethers.

This slow transition to cold weather is the perfect time to consider winter pet safety. Keeping pets protected during the icy months is vital to their safety, comfort, and overall health. Continue…