Search Results for ‘cbd’
A Brave New (Pain Free) World: All About CBD Oil for Pets
In 2000, Colorado became one of the first states to legalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Since then, many other states have followed suit (29 to be exact). Nine states (including Colorado) have legalized its recreational use, as well.
What does this have to do with pets? More than you may realize. Not only have cases of marijuana toxicity in pets increased since marijuana laws began passing, but pet owners have also been turning to marijuana to try and help their pets with a variety of medical issues. Specifically, they’re seeking the oil extracted from the hemp plant, called cannabidiol oil (CBD oil) to treat their pet’s pain and other ailments.
The use of CBD oil for pets is growing in popularity, but is it right for your pet?
Understanding TPLO Surgery In Dogs
Was your dog running happily through the yard one minute, then limping and unable to put weight on one of its rear legs the next? Or, have you watched your older dog become less active due to a gradual deterioration in one of its knees, a problem that you know is affecting your dog’s quality of life?
A torn cranial cruciate ligament (called CCL in pets and ACL in humans) may be to blame. This is a common problem in dogs and, in many cases, requires surgery to correct and to prevent further damage to the knee joint as time goes on.
Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) surgery is one of the most widely used procedures for repairing a torn CCL in dogs (and sometimes cats). At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we are fortunate to have a skilled and certified TPLO surgeon on our medical team who has helped hundreds of dogs return to an active life through TPLO surgery. Since we have seen so many successful results with this procedure, we thought it important to explain what TPLO surgery is, why it’s so effective, and offer tips for supporting your dog’s orthopedic health after TPLO surgery.
Continue…Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center’s Top 10 Pet Care Blogs of 2018
It’s hard to believe that a new year is already upon us! As we reflect on the many valuable lessons and special moments of 2018, we’re reminded that none of it would be possible without our beloved patients and clients. Serving Denver area pets and their families is a privilege, and we’re so grateful for the relationships we’ve formed, both old and new.
Our monthly pet care blog is part of our ongoing service to you, and we’re thrilled that so many have been reading and enjoying it. Without further ado, we’re proud to present our top 10 most popular pet care blogs of 2018!