This dog with a pinecone on its head is ready for a safe fall!

It’s that time of year when the weather turns, the days are shorter, and there is a crisp feeling in the air. Along with the beauty of the season, autumn also brings many familiar tasks, including preparing our yards for winter, cleaning the garage, and holiday decorating. During this busy time of year, don’t forget that these activities can also present some hazards to a curious pet.

The team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center is here with some helpful tips on making this fall season wonderful and enjoyable, instead of one marred by a serious pet emergency. Here are some basic fall pet safety reminders for all of our pet-loving friends.

The Spookiest Season

Halloween is just around the corner and while costumes and treats may be fun for us, your furry little goblin may want to try some of these goodies, too.  Unfortunately, this could result in a very sick pet or a situation requiring immediate medical intervention. The following list includes items that are harmful to pets:

Halloween is also one of the busiest times of the year for poison control hotlines and, due to lost pets, animal control services. Keep your pets safe by moving them to a room that is secure, comfortable, and quiet. Be sure your pets are microchipped and that your contact information is up to date. Keep all food items, treats, and trash containers up and out of your pets’ reach.  

Prioritize the Gatherings

Thanksgiving is also a time to make your pets’ safety a priority, particularly with food and treats, so use these guidelines for this and any other holiday, birthday, and celebration.

Lawn and Garden Awareness 

When you are preparing your lawn and garden for the cold weather season, be mindful of how your pets may be affected by the products you use. Use only pet friendly lawn additives and soil amenders. Avoid fertilizers and other products that contain chemicals that may be toxic to pets. Read the labels and follow any instructions pertaining to pets or other animals.

Flower bulbs, such as crocus, lilies, daffodils, and iris, are all plants that are poisonous to pets. Put away rakes and other sharp lawn tools so they don’t get stepped on by sensitive paws.

Uncovered compost piles contain food toxins, mold, potentially dangerous mushrooms, fungi, and other risky items. Keep compost in a contained space that is inaccessible to your pets and other animals. 

Toxins in the Garage

Fall is a time for winterizing our motor vehicles, including, oil changes and adding antifreeze. Since these products are highly toxic to pets, be sure to clean up any spills and secure lids tightly on containers and bottles. Put these products away on a high shelf or in a cabinet that can’t be opened by a pet. 

Securely cover and store these other potential poisons while you’re at it.

  • Insecticides
  • Paint and paint thinner
  • Moth balls
  • Mouse traps, rat traps and rodenticides (hazardous to all animals)
  • Polishes 
  • Road salt
  • Lawn and garden supplies
  • Fertilizer
  • Batteries
  • Automotive chemicals

Final Thoughts 

Any seasonal change can bring new hazards for our pets, from hot and cold weather to holidays and celebrations. With some thought and preparation, you can enjoy the wonders of these special times while keeping your pets harm-free and healthy. 

Don’t forget to keep your pet on a monthly parasite preventative, because parasites continue to cause harm, no matter what the season. 

For more information on fall pet safety or to schedule an appointment for your pet, please contact us. We are here to help your pet have a healthy life with you!