Easter Pet Safety: The Dangers Of Chocolate And Xylitol

Chocolate popsicles made to look like dogsFor many families, Easter is a wonderful, celebratory time spent in the company of family and friends. Easter baskets, egg hunts, and big family get togethers often mark this special Sunday.

While fun for us, all holidays pose a special set of risks to our furry friends. Take a moment to learn about Easter pet safety and what you can do to ensure a safe environment for your pets on this holiday.

Why No Chocolate?

By now, most pet owners are aware that dogs should never be given chocolate. Although this is becoming common knowledge, pet poison hotlines and veterinary clinics around the country report a huge increase in calls regarding dogs ingesting chocolate during the week of Easter. But just why is chocolate bad for dogs? Continue…

The More You Know: Preventing Accidental Pet Poisoning

A beagle looking sadWe do everything we can to protect our pets from the dangers of the world; we walk them on leashes, have them microchipped, shelter them from the elements, feed them nutritious diets, and bring them in for regular wellness exams. In our efforts to keep our pets safe, many of us overlook the potential for accidental pet poisoning in and around our homes.

March 20th marks the beginning of National Poison Prevention Week. While this event is intended to educate the public about the dangers of accidental poisonings in children, we’d like to take the opportunity to extend this awareness to include our pets. Continue…