A portrait of an adorable cat on the examination table

As animal owners, we are intimately familiar with our pet’s habits, likes, and dislikes. But how are we to know when our pet’s joints are beginning to feel the effects of arthritis, or if his or her liver isn’t functioning at its peak? This is where the wellness exam comes in.

Your pet’s regularly scheduled wellness visits are about so much more than just another round of shots (although that’s important too!). Every time we see your pet we have the opportunity to get to know him or her better, to catch any problems that may be brewing, and to answer your questions regarding your pet’s health.

Thorough Physical Examination

Besides taking a thorough history of your pet’s lifestyle at each wellness visit, your veterinarian will perform a “nose to tail” examination. Your pet’s ears, mouth, lymph nodes, heart, lungs, abdomen, and musculoskeletal system will be evaluated for any potential issues, and recommendations made from there.

Weight And Nutritional Needs

With pet obesity and its associated health concerns ever on the rise in the U.S., assessing your pet’s weight and nutritional health is an important part of a wellness exam. Likewise, sudden weight change can indicate an underlying problem. Your veterinarian will work closely with you to achieve and maintain your pet’s optimal weight and overall health.

Dental Health

Up to 85% of cats and dogs have some form of periodontal disease by the time they are 3 years of age. If left unchecked, periodontal disease can have serious consequences, including, pain, infection, and problems with the heart, liver, and kidneys. Your pet’s oral health will be assessed at each visit and recommendations made as to proper home care and follow-up professional care.

Disease And Parasite Prevention

An important part of your pet’s regular wellness visits is the administration of vaccinations and parasite preventatives (such as flea, tick, and heartworm). Depending on your pet’s vaccination schedule and parasite prevention assessment, you and your veterinarian may discuss various options for both sets of needs.

Behavioral Concerns

Behavior problems in pets can be stressful for all involved. A wellness exam is the perfect opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding your pet’s behavior. Our very own certified professional dog trainer is also available onsite and offers a variety of humane and effective obedience training options for all breeds and ages.

General Monitoring

Many pets are either predisposed to or will develop certain medical issues based on age, breed, or size. By adhering to your pet’s wellness exam schedule, you are giving your veterinarian the opportunity to keep close tabs on your pet’s condition and nip problems in the bud.

How Often Should My Pet Receive A Wellness Exam?

Pets age much more rapidly than humans, making it vitally important that your pet is examined on a regular basis. We recommend annual wellness visits for healthy pets under age 6, and twice yearly visits for pets over age 6. Your pet may also need to be seen more often depending on his or her health status.

At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center we strive to meet the needs of all our clients and patients by offering extended evening and weekend hours. We look forward to seeing you and your pet soon!