The Heat Is On: Learning to Spot and Prevent Dehydration in Pets

pet dehydrationIt’s no secret that water is vital to the existence of humans and animals, as well as  most other living creatures. Water makes up about 70-80% of a pet’s total body mass and is critical for the proper functioning of each and every cell and system.

Even a small loss of a pet’s fluids can disrupt the body’s delicate balance and result in dehydration. If not corrected, dehydration will impair the body’s functioning and quickly become a medical emergency.


Your Guide to the Ultimate Pet-Friendly Party!

Two dogs sitting with a birthday cakeWhen it comes to parties, why should humans have all the fun? Including your four-legged family member in a gathering or party, or even throwing one in honor of your pet, might be just as fun!

At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we think including Fido or Fluffy in your family’s festivities can be a wonderful way to bond and make memories with your best pal. Check out our tips and ideas for throwing a “pawsitively pawsome” pet-friendly party.
