It’s hard to believe that a new year is already upon us! As we reflect on the many valuable lessons and special moments of 2018, we’re reminded that none of it would be possible without our beloved patients and clients. Serving Denver area pets and their families is a privilege, and we’re so grateful for the relationships we’ve formed, both old and new.

Our monthly pet care blog is part of our ongoing service to you, and we’re thrilled that so many have been reading and enjoying it. Without further ado, we’re proud to present our top 10 most popular pet care blogs of 2018!

Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center’s Top 10 Pet Care Blogs of 2018

#10: A Brave New (Pain Free) World: All About CBD Oil for Pets
In 2000, Colorado became one of the first states to legalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Since then, many other states have followed suit (29 to be exact). Nine states (including Colorado) have legalized its recreational use, as well. What does this have to do with pets? More than you may realize. Keep reading…

#9: Meow-Wow! The New Cat Lodge at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center
When people see our new, beautiful Cat Lodge, they’re pretty impressed! With its sleek condo spaces, stunning wall murals reflecting Colorado mountainscapes, custom built cat trees made from real aspen and spruce, and a colorful and entertaining fish tank, we couldn’t be happier to show it off! Read more…

#8: Deep Connections: The Power of the Human-Animal Bond
Our veterinarians and veterinary support staff share a deep love for animals, and if you’re reading this, we’re guessing that you feel the same. Our pets bring so much love, joy, affection and humor to our lives, it probably comes as no surprise that the human-animal bond may be deeply intertwined with our health, well-being and, possibly, our survival as a species. Continue…

#7: The Choice Is Clear: The Advantages Of Laparoscopic Spaying
Each year in the United States, 83% of pet dogs and 91% of pet cats are spayed or neutered. Having your pet “fixed” has many advantages; besides reducing pet overpopulation, spaying and neutering can reduce the risk of certain cancers and ameliorate behavioral problems in many cases. Read on!

A beagle in profile

#6: Happy Paws: Your Guide to Pet Safe Lawn Edging
Spring is just around the corner and it’s the time when our thoughts naturally turn to outdoor activities. Looking forward to hiking, biking, gardening, and being out in our yards with family and friends, are some of the best things about the coming warmer days. Read more…

#5: My Pet Ate What? GI Obstruction in Pets
Every pet owner knows how much pets enjoy food. Unfortunately, sometimes this love of chewing and swallowing can get our pets into trouble, particularly when they ingest something inedible causing a GI obstruction. Keep reading…

#4: The Four Stages of Pet Dental Disease
Pet dental disease, also called periodontal disease, is one of the most common clinical conditions seen by our veterinarians. This comes as no surprise when we consider that most adult dogs and cats show some signs of the disease by the time they reach 3 years of age. If left untreated, pet dental disease can lead to pain, tooth loss, infection, and even damage to the vital organs, such as the heart, liver, and kidneys. Continue…

#3: Green Grass, Happy Dog: Preventing Dog Urine Spots on Lawns
We love everything about our dogs, but we don’t always love some of the side effects of “doggie business”, such as those yellow or brown dog urine spots on the lawn. Not only do the spots make the yard look less attractive, they are also hard to get rid of. Add in two or more dogs, and you may be facing a completely dead lawn in the not too distant future. Read on!

A puppy in the outdoors

#2: Pets, Pets Everywhere: The World’s Most Popular Pets
Choosing a family pet is an important life decision, one that will affect not only the quality of your daily life, but the health and welfare of the pet you’re considering to bring into your home. There are so many factors to consider when deciding which type of pet is right for you; space, cost, activity level, and time commitment, to name a few. Read more…

#1: Cat or Lion: Differences Between Wild and Domestic Cats
Although we have been sharing our lives with cats for thousands of years, which may have originated with their rodent control abilities, our modern day house cats are still considered to be semi-domesticated. This characteristic is quite different from dogs, which are considered fully domesticated and probably have been since caveman times. Keep reading!

A Bright Future!

We look forward to another great year of partnering with you to provide the best possible healthcare for your precious pet. If there are any topics you’d like to learn more about in a future blog, please don’t hesitate to contact the staff at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center. Here’s to a great 2019!