A dog laying on the ground with a quirky smileWhether you’re gearing up for a big end-of-the-year celebration, or you’re planning a quiet evening at home, you’re likely using some of this time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the future. At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we are doing the same; our year has been busy, challenging, and absolutely rewarding thanks to our wonderful patients and their families!

With meaningful topics such as pet dental care, traveling with a pet, and rattlesnake safety, we do our best to bring you information you can use to improve the daily lives of your amazing pets. Whether you are a newcomer to the website or a seasoned reader of our blogs, we invite you to enjoy the most popular 10 blogs of 2017:

Lone Tree Veterinary Hospital’s Top 10 Blogs Of 2017

  1. To Declaw or Not to Declaw: Addressing the Scratching Problem – Whether cats should be declawed or not has become a hot-button issue in recent years. As a result, the declawing of cats has been banned in more than a dozen countries and in several California cities, and a bill is currently being considered that would make New York the first state to outlaw the procedure. The surgery is currently legal in Colorado, although attempts have been made to introduce legislation that would ban the procedure to declaw a cat. Read More…
  2. This Bud’s (Not) for You: Marijuana Toxicity in Pets – Pot, weed, Mary Jane…no matter what you call it, marijuana needs no introduction, especially to Colorado residents. Medical marijuana became legal in Colorado in 2000, and in November of 2012, voters approved an amendment to the state constitution to legalize marijuana for recreational use. In January of 2014, the approved amendment became law. Read More…
  3. Fancy Feet: The Importance of Pet Nail Trimming – Have you been hearing the telltale click of Fido’s nails on your kitchen floor lately? Has Whiskers taken to shredding the corner of the leather sofa again? If so, it may be time to trim your pet’s nails. Read More…
  4. Snug As A Bug In A Rug: The Best Pet Beds – A recent survey conducted by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association found that 42 % of dog owners allow their pups to sleep on their beds. Given that, and our own experience to boot, we also feel that it’s safe to say that at least that many American dogs are making themselves at home on couches, chairs, and other furnishings, as well rather than pet beds. Read More…
  5. Your Guide to the Smartest Pet Breeds – We’ve all read and heard stories about intelligent pets: the dog that can figure out how to open the fridge and help himself to a snack, or the cat that seeks out a sick or sad family member to snuggle with and comfort. Read More…pet DNA
  6. Low-Fat Life: Avoiding Pancreatitis in Pets – ‘Tis the season for holiday foods, and with tables full of seasonal delights this time of year, it’s easy to overindulge. For most people, a few extra helpings of mashed potatoes and gravy or Grandma’s pumpkin pie probably won’t have any repercussions beyond a little indigestion and maybe a tighter waistband. For our pets, however, indulging in holiday foods can have more significant consequences. Read More…
  7. When You Suffer, We Suffer: The Truth Behind Veterinary Staff Grief – It’s safe to say that the vast majority of veterinarians and veterinary support staff chose their line of work because they love animals and find joy and satisfaction in caring for them. Knowing that we are playing a role in helping and guiding our patients and their families through tough times makes the long hours, and sometimes sleepless nights, more than worth it. Read More…
  8. Pets, Pets Everywhere: The World’s Most Popular Pets – Choosing a family pet is an important life decision, one that will affect not only the quality of your daily life, but the health and welfare of the pet you’re considering to bring into your home. There are so many factors to consider when deciding which type of pet is right for you; space, cost, activity level, and time commitment, to name a few. Read More…
  9. Happy Paws: Your Guide to Pet Safe Lawn Edging – Spring is just around the corner and it’s the time when our thoughts naturally turn to outdoor activities. Looking forward to hiking, biking, gardening, and being out in our yards with family and friends, are some of the best things about the coming warmer days. Read More…
  10. Cat or Lion: Differences Between Wild and Domestic Cats – Although we have been sharing our lives with cats for thousands of years, which may have originated with their rodent control abilities, our modern day house cats are still considered to be semi-domesticated. This characteristic is quite different from dogs, which are considered fully domesticated and probably have been since caveman times. Read More…

The Best Is Yet to Come

No matter which areas of pet care you are hoping to improve in 2018, Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center is here to help! We are only a phone call away and will always do our best to answer your questions and concerns about your pet.

Happy New Year!