Hiking the Trails Safely with Your Dog

At Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center, we believe hiking the trails with your dog involves proper training and preparation. Here are some tips to help your dog have a great time while out on the trails with you.
Train Your Dog Ahead of Time
As with humans, hiking Colorado trails at both lower and higher elevations can cause problems for dogs. Heat stroke, dehydration, exhaustion, and altitude sickness are just some of the potential risks. You can minimize the chance of these occurring by first making sure your dog has had a recent physical check-up and is healthy enough to handle hiking in general, both at lower and higher elevations.
You should also follow these training and hiking guidelines:
Basic Commands
Train your dog to walk by your side on a lead and to reliably respond to basic commands such as “heel,” “come,” “stay,” “leave it,” and “no.” If your dog needs help with these skills, consider enrolling in a class or consulting with our Pet Behavior Specialist.
Take the time to train your dog to be out on a trail and to hike uphill. Work up to longer excursions over a period of a few weeks. Gradual training will also help prevent muscle soreness and overuse injuries.
Leash Control
Use a lead no longer than 6 feet and avoid retractable ones. Always keep your dog on its lead, under control, and close to you. This ensures you can quickly manage encounters with rattlesnakes, other wildlife, people, or loose/aggressive dogs. Avoid letting your dog wander off the trail.
Trail Etiquette
Follow proper trail etiquette to ensure the safety of your dog and others you may encounter. Be prepared to yield to uphill hikers, runners, cyclists, and horseback riders.
Hiking Trails in Warmer Months
Hike during the cooler parts of the day, especially if you’re covering terrain in full sun, during the warmer months. Dogs can easily overheat without shade, particularly during the hottest times of the day. Overheating, dehydration, and other heat-related issues can affect dogs of any age and lead to serious health problems.
Never force your dog to continue on a hike if it slows down or shows signs of fatigue. Stop and rest, and if your dog doesn’t regain energy, it’s time to turn back. Always monitor your dog’s energy level and behavior.
Elevations 8,000 Feet and Above
Avoid taking a dog that hasn’t been properly acclimated to elevations above 8,000 feet on a high-altitude hike. Many mountain trails reach elevations of 11,000 to 12,000 feet, and hiking a fourteener involves climbing to over 14,000 feet. Healthy dogs that are well-trained and acclimated to these altitudes and long distances should be taken on hikes at such elevations.
Rest Day
Always give your dog rest days after hiking. Like humans, dogs need recovery time, which varies based on their age, health, and fitness level. Dogs can suffer from muscle and joint overuse issues. Proper rest and gradual training are essential to prevent these problems.
Packing the Right Gear for the Hike
Before you go out on your hike, do the following:
- How long you plan to be on the trail?
- Check the day’s weather forecast
- Pack supplies for your dog accordingly
The items are essential when hiking with a dog:
- A 6 foot lead, properly fitted wonder walker harness, regular harness, or collar
- Clear identification for your dog
- Plenty of water ‒ more than you think your dog will need
- Food and treats for the day
- A collapsible dog bowl that is easy to carry
- Plastic bags for pet waste
- Properly fitted dog raincoat or jacket, booties
- Canine first-aid kit and emergency blanket
- Emergency dog carry-out harness, just in case
Pet First-Aid Kit
It’s always wise to have a complete pet first-aid kit with you. This is especially crucial when you’re far from home or a veterinary hospital. Read more about preparing a portable pet first-aid kit.
Head Out Early
Start your hike early in the morning to ensure you have enough time to reach your destination and return before a storm hits or darkness falls. This is especially important if you plan to go above 10,000 feet, as sunny mornings can quickly turn into blustery storms by midday at high elevations. Additionally, lightning poses a constant risk above the timberline.
Starting early also lets you enjoy cooler temperatures as you pass through lower elevations, where temperatures can rise quickly by late morning.
Earlier starts also allow for cooler temperatures as you pass through the lower elevations where temperatures can rise quickly by late morning.
Avoid Altitude Sickness
Denver sits at 5,280 feet above sea level. Although most of us are used to this altitude in our daily activities, our pets may not be. Here are the signs of altitude-related sickness include:
- Shortness of breath
- Excessive panting, drooling
- Pale gums
- Lethargy
- Bleeding from the nose
- Vomiting
- Collapse
For more information and guidelines on altitude sickness, read our blog on how altitude affects pets and preventing altitude sickness. Nothing will ruin a hike faster than having to carry your dog out due to exhaustion, sickness or other altitude problem.
If your dog is bitten by a rattlesnake, you have about an hour to get to a pet emergency facility for medical care, regardless of where the bite is on the body. Prompt treatment is crucial to prevent debilitating and life-threatening symptoms.
Rattlesnake venom is highly toxic, causing pain, swelling, internal bleeding, difficulty breathing, shock, and death within a short time. Treating rattlesnake bites usually requires administering Antivenin (sometimes in multiple doses), along with intravenous fluids and 24-hour monitoring. The chances of survival often depend on how quickly treatment is provided.
Know Your Dog
For most dogs, hiking in the mountains is an enjoyable activity that is well-tolerated. However, some breeds are predisposed to having problems and require additional attention:
- At elevations above 5,000 feet, brachycephalic (short-nosed) breeds like Boxers, Pugs, Pekingese, Bulldogs, or any pet with breathing issues should be monitored closely. These breeds are already prone to breathing problems, which can be worsened by higher altitudes.
- Dogs with a heart condition or heart murmur, regardless of breed, should NOT be taken on hikes above 8,000 feet. They are at a much higher risk for having a serious, life-threatening problem at higher elevations.
- Overweight and sedentary dogs will need to be trained gradually over a period of weeks. Starting out on flat terrain, do short walks out and back (30 minutes or less). Increase the distance and time as your dog adapts. Introduce uphill terrain in the same way.
- Some dogs struggle to tolerate heat or cold. Watch how your dog is handling the conditions and adjust your hike accordingly. If your dog seems overly sensitive, schedule a check-up with your veterinarian to rule out any medical issues. Your veterinarian may also suggest ways to keep your dog more comfortable..
We’re Here to Help
If you have questions about your pet’s health or would like to schedule an appointment for your pet, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help!