A cat standing in the snow

We all know that the holidays can be a stressful time. Endless shopping, mounting commitments, and scheduling conflicts can all cloud our vision of happy, fun, and meaningful holiday celebrations and traditions.

By reaching out to serve others this year, you can bring the true meaning of this  time of year back into focus for your family. And, since helping those in need is one of the cornerstones of the holiday season, don‘t forget that homeless pets are on this list, too.

Your team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center has put together a list of ways you and your family can help pets in need this holiday season, as well as all year long.

So Many Ways to Help

Animal shelters and rescue organizations have an ongoing need for supplies, funding, and aid. Consider donating your time and resources in the following ways:

  • Funds – Rescue operations often run on shoestring budgets, making monetary donations of any kind an extremely valuable contribution. Donations can support vaccinations, spay/neuter procedures, food, and other critical needs.  
  • Supplies – Many shelters spend thousands of dollars each year on basic necessities for the animals. You can help by collecting and donating items, such as food, dog beds, blankets, cat litter, and toys.
  • Awareness – Educate family and friends on the importance of adopting a shelter or rescue pet, and participate in (or start your own) fundraising event to collect money or supplies for an animal welfare organization.
  • Get kids involved – Help children get into the spirit of giving by allowing them to donate part of their allowance or to opt for one of their gifts to be a donation to their favorite animal charity.

Low-income families with pets often struggle with the rising cost of pet care. You can help keep a family from making the difficult decision to surrender a family pet due to financial hardship by donating pet food and other supplies to your local food bank or shelter (these items may not be on their wish list, but are often needed).

Local Impact

Donations and volunteering are the lifeblood of local rescue organizations.  Over the years, Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center has partnered with several Colorado shelters and rescues by donating exams, medical care, orthopedic surgery, food and supplies to pets in need that have been rescued and sheltered by these groups.   From the small individually-run rescue My Fairy Dawg Mother, to the larger and well-known, such as the National Mill Dog Rescue, the Buddy Center, Denver Dumb Friends League and the La Plata County Humane Society, all of them serve a much needed role in helping pets find their forever homes.  

There are so many ways that an individual can have an impact by helping organizations such as these. Whether it be organizing and assisting with transports, helping fundraising efforts, contributing money and supplies, or simply donating your time at the shelter with whatever is needed, your efforts will be greatly appreciated.

The Best Gift

If you have room in your home and the time and resources, adopting a pet in need of a forever home is the single best way you can make an impact on the plight of homeless pets in our country. If adoption isn’t possible at this time, consider fostering a pet for a shelter or rescue. Not only are you saving a life by keeping an animal out of a shelter, but pets are also happier and healthier when they are in homes, which makes them more likely to be adopted.

Are you making the season brighter for homeless pets this year? Share your efforts on our Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center Facebook page. We look forward to seeing how you and your family are making a difference for pets in need!