The Reverse Sneeze: What It Is And When To Worry

A black pup looking upwards

You are minding your own business, when out of nowhere comes the odd, surprising, and utterly weird sound of honking or wheezy snorting from your dog. You run to your pet’s aid, only to discover that he or she is perfectly fine, standing there as though nothing has happened. But what did happen? Do you call us or drop everything and rush your pet in as an emergency?

It is likely that what your pet just experienced is known as paroxysmal respiration, more commonly called “reverse sneezing”. Hearing a reverse sneeze can certainly be alarming, but it’s often a normal occurrence for a dog or cat. 


The Keys to Successful Airline Travel with Pets

A small white dog in a soft carrier, sitting in an airplane seat

Traveling with a pet can be fun, but it also presents some significant challenges: Picking the best mode of transportation, finding a pet-friendly place to stay, knowing what you will do with your pet once you’re there, and all the extra packing, organizing, and worrying that goes along with bringing a four-legged companion on a vacation or long distance trip.

Airline travel with pets, in particular, can be a lot of work, but with planning, preparation and a little help from your Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center team, you and your pet will be jet-setting off into the sunset in good style.


Lumps and Bumps on Pets: What are They and When to Worry

A tortoise-shell cat looking at you

Discovering a lump or bump on your pet can be concerning at best, frightening at worst. It’s understandable to worry: Is it normal? Does my pet need to see the veterinarian right away?

While new lumps and bumps on our pets should never be ignored, in many cases, they end up being nothing to worry about. Our medical team at Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center has seen countless lumps and bumps, so you can rely on us to help determine when one is a problem that needs to be addressed and when it’s not.
